EBD Teacher Interview    EBD Teacher Interview for Function of Behavior
FACTS Teacher Interview
MDE FBA Template Guidelines    MDE FBA Example

MDE Template Example with Prevent-Teach-Reinforce (PTR) Grid
FBA RESOURCES (Scroll down for more resources)
9 Operational Definitions of Commonly Occurring Behavior
57 Questions to Ask Yourself When Addressing Problem Behavior
Common Setting Events
FBA Scale
FBA Screening Tool
Hypothesis Summary
Practical FBA
Questions About Behavioral Function  Scoring
Tip Sheet: FBA and Function-Based Interventions
Behavior Intervention Plan Template    Positive Behavior Intervention Plan Template
Behavior Support Plan from FBA Information
CPI Risk of Restraint

Positive Behavior Support Plan (PBSP) with 5 Point Scale (Example)
    Blank Portrait Template
    Blank Landscape Template
   5 Point Scale Desk Strip "Things I Can Try"

Behavior Analysis Work Sheet     BAWS-Script
Behavior Strategies Based on Function
Behavior Doctor - Intervention tools, resources, training, and more!
Behavior Ownership Form 
CPI Individual Documentation Form
Goal Behavior Chart
PBIS World    Data Tracking
Points Sheet 1   Points Sheet 2    Rubric
Positive Intervention Strategies Training Modules
Visual Schedule Example

To Obtain / Gain Something  To Escape Something
► Attention (e.g., smiles, frowns, laughter, hugs, etc.)  Attention (e.g., avoid or get away from a person, avoid school, etc.)
► Sensory (e.g., rocking in a seat, chewing gum, rubbing hands on clothing or wall, banging head into the floor, etc.) ► Sensory (e.g., turning lights off, leaving a cold room, taking medication, etc.)
► Activities or Objects (e.g., academic task, preferred activity, preferred setting, etc.)  ► Activities or Objects (e.g., independent math seat work, changes in routine, new environment, loud setting, etc.) 

Behavior Doctor Seminars’ Version of the Competing Pathway Chart
(Think of the ABC's of Behavior)

Trigger (Antecedent) Target Behavior impacT (Consequence)
This is what sets the behavior in motion. This is the behavior you’d like to Target for change. This is what the student is gaining or escaping by engaging in the behavior.

Now you can develop a behavioral intervention plan based on the function of the behavior
(what the student is trying to gain or escape)

Revise the Environment Replace the Behavior Reframe Your Response
We must make changes in the environment to set the student up for success.  This might be mnemonic cues, changes in seating, changes in procedures etc. We can’t just tell students to be good.  We have to teach them what we want the replacement behavior to look like, sound like, and feel like.  This can be done with video modeling, social stories, video self-modeling, peer mentoring, peer modeling etc. Knowing what the student is trying to gain or escape, allows us to know when to give behavior-specific praise, when to ignore, and when to implement procedures to discourage inappropriate behavior.

Here are samples that have been implemented for specific behaviors from the Behavior Doctor Website.

Triple T- Triple R Worksheet for Blurting in the Classroom

Triple T- Triple R for Student with Low Self-Esteem

Triple T- Triple R Worksheet for a student with ADHD

Triple T- Triple R Work Avoidance

Triple T triple R for A Student with Sensory Issues

Triple T – Triple R for a Student with Selective Mutism Due to Anxiety

Triple T- Triple R for an Isolated Student with no Friends

Triple T- Triple R for Student with Non-compliance

Triple T- Triple R for Student Who is Bullying Others

Triple T- Triple R for Teaching Young Students How to Calm Themselves

Triple T- Triple R for Stealing (Early Elementary)