Secondary Transition Planning
Subp. 4.During grade nine the IEP plan shall address the pupil's needs for transition from secondary services to postsecondary education and training, employment, and community living.
A.For each pupil, the district shall conduct an evaluation of secondary transition needs and plan appropriate services to meet the pupil's transition needs. The areas of evaluation and planning must be relevant to the pupil's needs and may include work, recreation and leisure, home living, community participation, and postsecondary training and learning opportunities. To appropriately evaluate and plan for a pupil's secondary transition, additional IEP team members may be necessary and may include vocational education staff members and other community agency representatives as appropriate.
B.Secondary transition evaluation results must be documented as part of an evaluation report. Current and secondary transition needs, goals, and instructional and related services to meet the pupil's secondary transition needs must be considered by the team with annual needs, goals, objectives, and services documented on the pupil's IEP.